
The Land of Tronçais

Located in the north-west of the Auvergne region,in the department ofAllier,the community of municipalities of the Land of Tronçais comprises 7,873 inhabitants on nearly 500 km2. On contact between the first slopes of the Central Massif and the Paris Basin, it stretches over a plateau of 280 m of medium altitude, low hill, in the center of which lies the majestic forest of Tronçais.

The territory

The community of municipalities in the Land of Tronçais is located on the northwestern edge of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region (between 30 minutes and 1 hour from Montluçon, Moulins, Nevers, Bourges).

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Elected officials

The community of communes is administered by an elected council, decisions are taken by majority. It has 24 incumbent delegates and 10 alternate delegates.

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Every month, many events are held in the Land of Tronçais. Exhibitions, guided tours, festivals, shows, flea markets … there’s something for everyone!

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Home of Leisure

The Leisure Home will welcome 50 children between the age of 3 and 11. Open every Wednesday and school holidays from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. It will be located at the Farm of the Pond in Saint Bonnet Tronçais.

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Tronçais in action

The news on the front page

Community Council of September 10, 2020
July 15, 2020 Community Council
Community Council of June 16, 2020
Summer holidays leisure center Anim'Tronçais
Anim'Tronçais leisure reception information
Press release of 07 May 2020
COVID-19 reception service
Community Council of March 10, 2020
Community Council of February 06, 2020
Inauguration of the hiking trails on October 26, 2019

On September 10, 2020, the community council met in Theneuille. First, elected officials changed the composition of the social affairs commission.
Regarding human resources, an amendment to the regulations of the time savings account was approved by elected officials before they decided to create a post of animation assistant, a technical assistant post and an administrative assistant post. These three job creations correspond to administrative adjustments, positions were already existing, they have simply been transformed.
In terms of investments, elected officials have initiated the procedure for carrying out work in schools for the 2020/2026 mandate. It will mainly be the schools of Ainay-le-Château, Cérilly and Meaulne-Vitray that will be affected for an amount of € 444,180 excluding tax. In addition, the elected officials have decided to secure the area surrounding Braize school. This security will begin in the coming weeks.
On financial aspects, a budgetary modification decision was adopted in the investment section. In addition, a support fund has been granted to the municipality of Braize for the development of access to the day care center and the stadium. Elected officials also voted on the cancellation of aid from the “live better” program following the abandonment of the project. They also approved the extinguished claims presented by the Treasurer. Finally, the community council approved the “free derogatory” distribution of the equalization fund for inter-municipal and municipal resources. Thus, the community of municipalities will receive all of this fund. In return, a modification of the regulations for support funds will be proposed at the next meeting of the community council.
Finally, the elected community representatives have decided that the two mini-buses of the community of municipalities will only be made available to the college of Cérilly and the retirement homes of the Pays de Tronçais during the current epidemic period.

Following the installation meeting of the community council which was held on Wednesday July 15, 8 p.m., in Cérilly, I am communicating the results to you.

Mr. Daniel RONDET (mayor of Couleuvre) was elected President of the community of communes.

Mr. Denis CLERGET (mayor of Theneuille) was elected 1st vice-president, in charge of finance, general resources and general administration.

Mr. Francis LEBLANC (mayor of Valigny) was elected 2nd vice-president, in charge of the economic development of agriculture and the timber industry.

Mr. Stéphane MILAVEAU (mayor of Ainay-le-Château) was elected 3rd vice-president, in charge of roads and town planning.

Mr. Pierre-Parie DELANOY (Mayor of Meaulne-Vitray) was elected 4th Vice-President, in charge of schools and leisure facilities.

Mr. Olivier LARAIZE (mayor of Le Brethon) was elected 5th vice-president, in charge of tourism and communication.

Madame Véronique PAULMIER (1st deputy mayor of Cérilly) was elected 6th vice-president in charge of social affairs and associative life.

Ms. Stéphanie CUSIN-PANIT (mayor of Hérisson) was elected 7th vice-president in charge of culture, heritage and the environment.

In addition, three elected officials were elected to the Bureau with a delegation:
 Mrs. Marie de NICOLAY (mayor of Saint-Caprais) was elected member of the community office in charge of town planning;
 Mrs. Marie-Solange LALEVEE (mayor of Braize) was elected member of the community office in charge of schools;
 Mr. Christophe BAJARD (mayor of Urçay) was elected member of the community office in charge of tourism.

Best regards. JL ETIEN

The community council met at the Cérilly village hall on June 16, 2020. This place was chosen to respect the sanitary conditions linked to covid-19. In this cens, the session took place in camera. This council was an opportunity for the President to report on the decisions taken during the state of health emergency.
However, the elected officials had to deliberate in particular on the fixing of the 2020 rates of the household waste collection tax.
Regarding human resources, the elected officials approved the establishment of staff training regulations, the modification of the internal staff regulations as well as the modification of the organization chart.
The community of municipalities then adopted a Guide to internal public procurement procedures.
In addition, the community council has allocated a support fund to the municipality of Meaulne-Vitray and aid under the “live better” program.
Then, the elected community representatives approved a decision to modify the budget so that the community of communes of the Pays de Tronçais subscribes to the “United Region Fund” set up by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. This fund helps microenterprises and associations as well as the Tourism and Accommodation sector which are in difficulty following the economic consequences of covid-19. The sum required is € 16,000.
Elected officials also decided that no change in school hours will take place at the start of the 2020 school year.
Finally, elected officials were informed of the call to express interest in building land to accommodate a children’s village.

Dear Parents,
The Accueil de Loisirs will be open this summer.
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the operation of the center will be changed and a health protocol similar to that of schools will be put in place.
You will find all the information in the attached document.
The number of places will be limited.
Children of health workers and law enforcement personnel will be given priority. Then it is the children whose 2 parents work who will be welcomed as a priority. The other children will be accommodated according to the places available.
I therefore invite you to send me the attached registration form as soon as possible.
Families whose children cannot be accommodated will be notified by email by Monday, June 22 at the latest.
If you have not received anything from me by this date, your child’s registration is validated.

Thanks for your understanding.
Best regards.

Dear Parents,
I hope you and your children are doing well and that you have gone through the confinement period without too much difficulty.
As of May 13 and until June 2, the Leisure Center will be open on Wednesdays but only for the children of the staff needed to manage the crisis (nursing staff and law enforcement).
A stricter health protocol will be put in place.
If you wish to register your children on Wednesdays at the Leisure Center, please:
– send me a request by email to the following address:
– attach to your request a document stating that you are part of the staff necessary for the management of the COVID crisis (except for children already received during confinement)
– tell me the days of presence of your child until June 2 if you know them in advance or at least Monday for the following Wednesday and that for each week
I will inform you in return of the health protocol put in place.
The Leisure Center is open Wednesdays as usual from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
I look forward to seeing you all and your children back in good shape and in better circumstances, in the meantime take good care of yourselves.

Director of Leisure Reception

As of May 12, schools in the Pays de Tronçais will be reopened with the exception of those in Braize and Saint-Bonnet-Tronçais. For the most part, daycare, school catering and transport services will be provided.
The County Council, through the Town Halls, is distributing masks for students from CP to CM2 from this day forward.
Please note, for children over 6 years old, wearing a mask on school transport is compulsory. Then, it will be necessary to respect the external paths of schools and to support each child. In fact, each accompanying person will have to wait for the acceptance or otherwise of local officials or teachers following a temperature measurement.
Let us respect together the barrier gestures for the safety of all.

Establishment of the COVID-19 reception service for the children of staff working in the health services and for the children of the police:
– ALSH in Saint Bonnet de Tronçais from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm
For more information you can contact us:
Community of municipalities of the Pays de Tronçais:
04 70 67 59 43
ALSH: 04 70 06 16 45
Plan the children’s picnic

On March 10, 2020, the community council met in particular to vote on the management and administrative accounts for 2019 (main and wood platform) as well as the original budgets (main and wood platform) for the year 2020. The 2020 budget is € 7,530,000. The tax rates for 2020, which remain unchanged since 2015, were also voted.
Then, the elected community representatives approved a request for a subsidy for the creation of a playground for the reception of leisure activities, before allocating two aids within the framework of the “Habiter-bien” program and canceling an aid which had been granted in 2018. A subsidy was also granted to the organizing committee of the cycling race on “Les Routes du Bourbonnais”. Likewise, the elected officials decided to allocate a fund to the municipality of Le Brethon for the creation of an apiary. They, at the request of the municipality, canceled the support fund to the municipality of Saint-Caprais which decided to postpone the renovation of its multipurpose room for which the support fund had been requested.
Regarding human resources, the community council approved the creation of a post of territorial technician before updating the compensation regime linked to the functions of subjugation, expertise and professional experience. Finally, the update of the time savings account was also approved.
In addition, the board was provided with the 2019 annual report and the multiannual activity report of the Association du Pays de Tronçais which manages the Scots (Isle-et-Bardais) and Champ Fossé (Saint -Bonnet-Tronçais), which are the property of the community of municipalities. Then, the elected community representatives authorized the President to sign an agreement with Orange relating to the burying of the telecom network on the Chemin des Assences in Cérilly. They also authorized the President to sign a partnership agreement creating a “Pépit” course in Isle-et-Bardais, and an agreement for the renewal of equipment for the “Pépit” courses in Ainay-le-Château, Hérisson and Meaulne-Vitray.
Finally, concerning the 2020-2026 mandate project, a report on the Pays de Tronçais upgrading project bringing together local players in the wood industry, culture and tourism was presented. The latter correlated with an information report aimed at analyzing social needs and the Maison Frances Services project.

On February 6, 2020, the community council met in particular to prepare the 2020 Budget Orientation Report (ROB). Insofar as this ROB coincides with the end of the 2014-2020 mandate, its content includes an accounting balance sheet of “school” and “road” skills transferred on January 1, 2013.
In 2020, given the elections, the deadline for voting on the original 2020 budget is set for April 30, 2020 and the deadline for transmission to the prefecture on May 15, 2020. However, in a search for simplicity and efficiency, the budget will be submitted to elected officials for approval on March 10, 2020.
At the level of the operating section, the 2020 draft budget should contain € 4,250,644 of actual expenditure (excluding unfinished business) and € 4,143,591 of income (excluding carry-overs).
At the level of the investment section, the 2020 draft budget should contain € 1,132,000 in new expenditure to be arbitrated (excluding amounts to be carried out). Roads represent 56% of new spending and will be subsidized at 25%. With the remainders to be realized, the capital expenditure will amount to 2,333,513 €. They will be financed by grants (€ 1,227,010 of which € 942,595 recorded as outstanding amounts), the FCTVA (€ 340,000), the capitalized operating surplus (€ 411,199), depreciation (€ 265,149), the sale of the Champ Signeux land (€ 60,000) and the transfer of the operating section (€ 344,026) and the claim on the Cube (€ 5,000).
In the sense of the aforementioned expenditure, the grant application relating to the 2020 roads was also approved. The total amount of the 2020 road works amounts to € 650,000.
Then, three files of the “better living” program were processed and approved.
Subsequently, the Community Council deliberated to strengthen the link between the community of municipalities with the Association du Pays de Tronçais, which manages the Champ Fossé campsites in Saint-Bonnet-Tronçais and the Scots in Isle-et-Bardais. The Association also manages the operation of the Saint-Bonnet-Tronçais beach.
Then, community representatives deliberated on the rate of advancement in grade before dealing with development aid for commerce and crafts with a point of sale. These points were approved.
The community council also decided to implement the reform of the computer equipment of the community of communes with community agents. This council also issued an opinion on the new method of appointing SICTOM delegates from the Montluçonnaise region.
Finally, the elected community representatives adopted motion ADM03 / AMR03 relating to the reorganization of the local services of the DGFiP of the Department of Allier.

The Pays de Tronçais is a major center for outdoor activities, among which hiking has a fundamental place, especially as this hobby recruits all categories of the population, and hikers are very numerous. Indeed, hiking is the first leisure activity for French people and tourists staying in tourist accommodation. Developing hiking therefore means offering a base of services that will simultaneously affect the inhabitants of the Pays de Tronçais and tourists staying here.
The Pays de Tronçais has a long history in this area, but the existing trail network needed major renewal. This is why the community of municipalities wanted to reorganize the network of hiking trails in the Pays de Tronçais. It is a long work carried out with the Department, the National Forestry Office, the Departmental Committee of Tourism, and the Tourist Office of the Heart of France Valley.
This work resulted in the creation of a new tourist offer comprising 25 paths that cover 260 km. They are connected with neighboring territories, the Cher valley, and long-distance hiking trails. From 2 to 29 km long, they offer a diversity of landscapes (forest, grove, valley of the Cher) and of difficulty which will satisfy all amateurs.
These trails were inaugurated on Saturday, October 26. A pocket with these 25 circuits was presented. It is available on paper at the tourist office or for download (
This inauguration of the hiking trails took place in two stages. The first was to cover part of the Rigole trail. The officials and the guests were able to realize the work accomplished by the community of communes, in particular by the discovery of the hiking signs installed at each beginning of the circuit.
This first step was followed by speeches from officials at the Ile-et-Bardais village hall.
Mr. Daniel ARTIGAUD – Mayor of Isle-et-Bardais – was delighted that his municipality could welcome a new tourist offer.
Madame Corinne COUPAS -President of the Community of Communes- thanked all the personalities and guests present during this inauguration. She wished to thank in particular the help of the Departmental Council, the National Forestry Office, the Intercommunity Tourist Office and all the companies that carried out the rehabilitation work on the trails. She wished to recall the amount of the work undertaken (180,000 €). This work is in addition to those carried out since 2014 (gillon trail in Saint-Bonnet-Tronçais, kiosk at Rond Garden, reception furniture, signage, Colbert II trail, etc.). In total, more than one million euros of work was carried out to improve the public reception offer in the Forêt de Tronçais, between 2014 and 2015.
After Claude MALHURET, senator from Allier who congratulated the community of municipalities for the work accomplished, Madam the Prefect concluded by insisting on the fact that the Forêt de Tronçais is a common good belonging to all citizens and that the whole actors must continue to unite in order to preserve this exceptional Forest®.

community delegates

The municipalities of the Land of Tronçais

Contact us

Community of municipalities in the Land of Tronçais
Place du Champ de Foire
03350 Cerelly

Opening times:

physical reception 09:00-12:00 / 14:00-17:00

8.30am-12.30pm / 1.30pm-5.30pm

